Physiognomy systematically mapped out a catalogue of human facial morphology as visual indexes of personality, morality and intelligence. Though his theories are not generally granted much authority today in scientific circles, Lavatar opened the door to the understanding that nature's living surfaces might be intelligible.
The idea that the human face could be a decipherable imprint of the human spirit excited scientists and philosophers to no end. Such an x-ray into the human soul could also function as a biological lie detector, a barometer of emotional status or as a beacon for psychological disorder. In the nineteenth century Physiognomy became the basis for sub-theories in anthropology, natural science, psychology and metaphysics.
Today with the advent of virtual imaging technologies we have successfully applied Lavater's basic precepts to the complex metaphysical world of quantum physics. Of all the current venues of scientific research attempting to extend Lavatar's theories to the thresholds of contemporary science, Posthumous Psychomorphological Physiognomy has, beyond any doubt, given the most astoundingly sensational results. Naturally as physiognomy developed through the nineteenth century specialists were able to decipher more and more information and from deeper and deeper within the manifest personality. Emerging awareness of psychoanalyses combined with the accumulated index of facial topography allowed Victorian physiognomists to venture even into the unconscious and repressed areas of the psyche.
Psychoanalytical physiognomy became the darling science of the early twentieth century. Posthumous psychoanalytical physiognomy (or necrogenic psychography as it is known in the Americas), is certainly among the most fascinating fields of psychoanalytical physiognomy. In combination with new imaging technologies, contemporary physiognomists are shining a clear rational beacon into the murky obscure world of spiritism. Far more than a billion gigabytes of data has been processed by digital physionotraces used to scan the necrogenic imprint on the Holy Shroud of Turino to create the image stream.
Dr Knetmassegesicht, director of the Department of Applied Necrogenic Psychography of the University of Toronto expressed the enthusiasm this project has generated throughout the international community of psychoanalytical physignomists when he recently declared...
" ...with each passing scan we descended deeper and deeper into the mind of God."
Visit the data stream here
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